Why Blog a Documentary?

As much as it's about my documentary, this blog is about working independently on a long-term project. Motivation, productivity, learning-as-you-go, and fighting technology are challenges many people face today on projects like my documentary.

I cover some questions in a post here.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


On Tuesday, I worked all day on my animations to get them nice for my presentation with Prof. Wolfe. At 11:30 PM, I was getting sleepy, so I thought of that Five Hour Energy Drinks that folks are always talking about. "Does that stuff really work?" I thought.

I walked down to the One Stop and paid 3.25 in quarters for a bottle. Now I can testify that, yes, Five Hour Energy Drink really works. It is miraculous. I worked all night. I didn't get jittery or crazy. And then I went to bed at 5 AM and slept like a drunk baby. I woke up at 8:30 AM, not feeling too bad. Then I drank another bottle and felt great. I worked until my presentation at noon.

In the post-Five Hour Energy Drink world, is sleep passe? How much more GDP could the US have if we just drank Five Hour Energy Drink all day and all night? Would we take more vacay time, or would we just work and produce more? According to Paul Krugman, you need laws to get more vacay... Could we lower carbon emissions and obesity if everyone just woke up at 3 AM, drank a FHED, and then walked fifteen miles to work downtown from their houses in the suburbs? Is that the real solution to congestion?

1 comment:

  1. -- glowing review of FHEDs... I will have to give them a try next time I need to pull an all nighter in the States
    -- I think you should learn the jerk

    -- I went to a tango lesson the other night, just learned some basic steps. it was fun.

    -- I've already inquired about the cost of apartments here. enough to make a man think about moving, at some point, maybe, somehow...

