Why Blog a Documentary?

As much as it's about my documentary, this blog is about working independently on a long-term project. Motivation, productivity, learning-as-you-go, and fighting technology are challenges many people face today on projects like my documentary.

I cover some questions in a post here.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Questions My Blog Will Treat

How can you maximize productivity on a long-term, independent project?
How can you stay motivated on a long-term, independent project?
Is it easy to learn to use new technology?
What are good workflows/tips for independent video?

What are the best ways to present abstract information in new media? Especially economics information.
Does learning economics knowledge change people's opinions?
How far can amateurs go in the new media?
How much of an impact can one citizen have if he/she puts his/her mind to a task?

1 comment:

  1. > How can you maximize productivity on a long-term, independent project?

    this blog seems like a good way - if you don't update often enough with real reports of progress, people you know can (and will) complain

    Good luck!
